速報APP / 生產應用 / Charge full and safety alarm

Charge full and safety alarm





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Charge full and safety alarm(圖1)-速報App

Your security is very important to us. Mobile phone is your privacy and we want to provide you every possible privacy.

This charge full and mobile safe alarm will provide you every possible privacy for your mobile phone.

Charge full and safety alarm(圖2)-速報App

Keep your mobile battery safe and extend the usage of your battery.

This app contains following features:

Charge full and safety alarm(圖3)-速報App

Mobile Charge full alarm:

This is the first and most important feature. If you want to extend the usage of you mobile phone battery then must use this feature and enable it.

Charge full and safety alarm(圖4)-速報App

You can set you favrite alarm on charge full. We give the complete protection to your phone mobile battery.

Charger Detection:

Charge full and safety alarm(圖5)-速報App

When you put your mobile phone in charge and someone else tries to disconnect your mobile phone from charging

then your mobile phone will start alarm if this feature is enabled. For stopping alarm you have to put the pin code that you already set.

Charge full and safety alarm(圖6)-速報App

Motion Detection:

Your security is most important to us. When you put your mobile phone on a table or somewhere else and someone

Charge full and safety alarm(圖7)-速報App

wants to steal your mobile or want to check some personal stuff, if he/she bring up your phone then it will start an alarm if this feature is enabled.

For stopping alarm you have to put the pin code that you already set.

Charge full and safety alarm(圖8)-速報App

Proximity Detection:

Your mobile phone is your privacy. If this feature is enabled and someone wants to steal your phone from your pocket then your phone will start alarm.

For stopping alarm you have to put the pin code that you already set.